When done right, a bathroom remodeling project can increase your property value and fetch up to 62% return on investment on the average. Most homebuyers prefer houses with a spacious master bathroom featuring lots of storage space, good plumbing, and great lighting. Therefore, it is important to choose the best and most updated design for your bathroom renovation.
Even if you are not planning to sell anytime soon, bathrooms accommodate your first waking moments and your last drowsy moments before you tuck yourself in at night. Hence, it’s only natural to want your bath to set the right tone whenever you visit it.
If you need some inspiration, check out the top bath design trends receiving praise from professional interior designers, contractors, and home renovators.
Vintage Glam is Always In
Period bathrooms are in vogue, thanks largely to popular TV and web series like Downtown Abbey, The Crown, Reign, and Mad Men. Something about vintage glamour lends bathrooms a timeless sense of elegance. Victorian and Edwardian inspired baths are hugely popular. However, chic designs from the 20’s, 50’s and 60’s are also making some noise.
To pull off this kind of look, you must remain definitive about the era you choose. Select some authentic furniture that conforms well to your chosen design. Any reliable bathroom remodeling contractor can probably locate auctions and restoration specialists whose job it is to return antique brassware, bathtubs, and basins to their former glory. Complete your vintage design with awesome bathroom tiles to make your bath look more than just gorgeous.
There are also a number of modern, good-quality replicas available on the market that can lend your bathroom a bit more of a contemporary touch.
All-White Baths are Out
Unless you are living in a hospital or clinic, there is no reason for an all-white bath design. Yes, it looks clean, tidy, and hygienic, but it also looks boring. If you are going for a minimalist look, then why not go for a black-and-white retro design? It is a simple design, but adds a drop of color for which your eyes will be thankful.
Black and white baths also have a sleek, contemporary feel that most homeowners and buyers will appreciate.
Open, Bright Baths (aka wet rooms) are In
This isn’t to say that you should put your bath outside your home, but bath designs that look to free up space in your bathrooms are definitely in. This can mean excluding any shower walls/doors/curtains and making the bathtub the focal point of your new design. You just need to waterproof your floor and walls, then build a nearly invisible slope into the floor to eliminate water build-up or slipping hazards. To gain a bright, shiny appeal, use furniture and tiles with metallic or glossy sheens for an extra wow factor.
Don’t let your bathroom get left behind. Consider remodeling your current bath to reflect these luxurious and elegant designs while raising your property value, should you ultimately decide to turn a profit from your home improvement.
Brilliant bathroom trends you don’t want to miss in 2017, IdealHome.co.uk
7 Bathroom Trends Are “In” This Year — and 2 That Are “Out”, HouseBeautiful.com