As Atlanta and the rest of Georgia hunker down through the end of April following stay-at-home orders, many couples are probably discovering there’s truth to the old adage, “too much familiarity breeds contempt.” Psychologists advise couples not to succumb to the “negativity effect,” which refers to humans’ tendency to have a stronger reaction to negative events than positive ones.
Atlanta bathroom remodel experts offer a less complex solution—have the perfect his and hers bathroom. In many couple therapies, it has been found that one source of conflict between couples is their individual bathroom habits and how these highlight how mindful a partner is about the needs of the other.
With careful design considerations, couples can harmoniously share a bathroom and perhaps reduce the stress level in their relationship. Here are some ideas on how you can achieve this.
1. Consider your morning routines
On a normal day, you and your partner probably have to rush through your morning rituals to make it to work or to your first appointment on time. Give yourselves enough room and space for the things you need to do at the same time. Consider having his and hers walk-in closets, double sinks, double showers, and other features that will allow you both to comfortably go through your routines without missing a beat.
2. Plan for enough space
In doubling a number of features, you will probably need a bigger space for your bathroom. Look into ways of expanding your bathroom square footage with the help of your designer. It’s important not to overload your bathroom. There should be enough space for an easy flow of movement for both of you. Plan the features and amenities to prioritize if there’s not enough room for everything you want.
3. Combine aesthetic preferences
This can be tricky, especially if you and your partner have starkly contrasting tastes and preferences. Explain what you both want to your designer so they can find ways to mix and match your styles. A good way to start is to identify the features that are acceptable to both of you, such as the material for the counters and the flooring, then use these to harmonize your individual preferences. Or, instead of insisting on what you want individually, perhaps you can come to a compromise by agreeing on neutral design elements that are universally pleasing.
4. Provide features for privacy
Sharing a bathroom with your partner does not have to mean giving up your privacy entirely. Incorporate features, such as a shower stall and a toilet stall, that will still allow you some comfortable isolation even when you and your partner are using the room at the same time.
5. Select low-maintenance materials and products
A common root of argument among couples is how to keep the bathroom clean and who’s responsible for the cleaning. To avoid this, choose materials and products that are easy to clean and are resistant to mold and mildew. Less maintenance needed for your bathroom means one less thing to stress about.
Staying positive under difficult circumstances is not easy, but certainly doable. In your next bathroom remodeling project, make sure to work together with your partner so both your needs are addressed and you can share your bathroom space and time in harmony.
5 Ideas for Creating the Perfect His and Hers Bathroom,
How to Share Bathroom Space with Your Significant Other,