The COVID-19 pandemic has certainly upended the lives of people everywhere. If you planned a kitchen remodeling before Atlanta was shut down, you now probably have to wait for a better time to start the project.
In the meantime, consider freshening up the kitchen by reorganizing and decluttering. This can also help keep you busy and improve your mental health while you remain cooped up at home.
Here are some tips on how to go about this.
1. Get rid of unnecessary items
Empty your cabinets and drawers and take stock of every item you have. Ask yourself if you truly need it, and if the answer is no, put it aside along with other items for disposal.
If you’re unsure about keeping or getting rid of something, use the one year rule. If you haven’t used it in the past year, then you can safely do away with it. You don’t need to include those special fryers or pans that you occasionally use to whip up something special for a party or when you’re up for a culinary adventure.
Also on the list of stuff to get rid of are non-essential duplicates. Yes, you probably need a few pots and pans, or a set of knives, and a couple of mixing bowls. But that second peeler can go, as well as that third spatula. To have an uncluttered kitchen, keep only the things you need and use. But if you own something that’s pretty much useless but makes you happy, then you should keep it.
2. Organize the items you need
Now that you’ve reduced your stuff to only the essential ones, organize what you’re keeping to make movement in the kitchen smooth and easy. Store together the items you need for one activity. For example, separate the baking tools from the cooking tools, and store them by set.
Use containers in storing objects. This will make your drawers and cabinets look neat and organized.
Always plan for convenience. You should be able to find what you need in five to ten seconds. As everyone has a unique way of doing things, consider your own kitchen habits and practices, then come up with a storage system around them.
3. Clear your countertops of clutter
A cluttered countertop is not only unsightly, but it also cramps the space you need for meal preparations, entertaining family and guests, and other functions. Keep the things you normally park on your countertop in a drawer, and make sure they don’t find their way to your countertop again.
4. Clean out your freezer
Do you know what you’ve been keeping in your freezer? If you’re like many people, you’ve probably not taken out a few empty plastic containers and still have a few items past their expiry dates. Declutter your freezer by taking out stuff that shouldn’t be there. Organize the content using reusable freezer bags and label everything.
If you can’t have your dream kitchen at this time, you can still have a neat, relaxing space where you can try out new recipes, prepare meals for everyone, and have a few quiet moments with the family in this time of self-quarantine.
8 Chief Ways to Refresh Your Kitchen Without a Full Remodel,
7 Ways to Declutter and Organize the Kitchen,